We were visiting India, originally for family and weddings. But within the last 2 weeks of our stay in India, we decided to see what the hype is with RISHTAMATRIMONY Consultancy. Mind you, I was never a firm believer in Arranged Marriages. With that being said, I explained before paid member Rishtamatrimony’s Manager (RM) what my likes and dislikes are, what I’m looking for in a future spouse, with some other formalities, very quick, general, and simple. Soon after he started showing us prospects, my eye caught the 1st profile and inquired more about the lovely lady. He explained some general information, age, education, other pics, and interests. Showed some more profiles and I selected the ones I liked and disliked. Once that was completed, some more formalities, completed my Bio, printed some of my photos off my phone and paid lol. IMMEDIATELY, when I say immediately, it was right away, that Team started sending me wonderful profiles, he realized that we were pressed on time and did not waste a single valuable moment. He even helped us while he was on a short vacation! Lol. So with a couple days in we met a few wonderful families, but things did not click. Now comes the twist lol The 1st profile that I had saw at Vadodara had been put on to my schedule and we both families were to meet. Now mind you this was the young lady that I had actually likes, her profile, her looks, everything. And My Relationship Manager even told me that the profile that you liked, the young lady from that profile and her family have agreed to meet with us. The moment I saw her, something was just very different, this time as the guy I was shy and she was very talkative lol when often times it’s the other way around lol. After a short time of casual conversation, we, me and the young lady, sat in a room and talked with each other, asked any questions that we would like to ask each other in private. However, after a couple questions, we started talking having a GREAT conversation! I mean, we “CLICKED” immediately! Lol After a short time we proceeded back to where the families were sitting and shortly after they took their leave. Immediately, everybody along with myself, were so shocked and surprised by how wonderful the family and the young lady were. That we decided to meet again. To cut the story short, I sit here today, with 1 week left, and we just confirmed and gave our families the “Yes” that we both like each other. Mind you, again, this is with 1 week left, only days after I met with My RM, and just in such short time. The Portal actually takes interest in your future, really listens, and gets the job done. THEY TURNED A NON-BELIEVER IN ARRANGED MARRIAGES INTO A BELIEVER! WHAT MORE CAN I SAY! THANK YOU whole Rishtamatrimony Company and Entire Team and Specially My RM